Dyslexia Symptoms

If you’ve met a child with dyslexia, you’ve met one child with dyslexia. This means that everyone presents in their own unique way, with their own dyslexia symptoms. Dyslexia is defined as a brain-based learning difference in reading and spelling. Dyslexia impacts one in five learners!

Signs your Child may have Dyslexia

If a child has signs of dyslexia, this does not reflect their intelligence! This is clearly demonstrated by successful icons such as John Lennon, Whoopi Goldberg, Albert Einstein, Richard Branson, Keira Knightley, Jamie Oliver and many more.

The following are some signs that more direct, explicit
teaching is needed:

  1. Your child continues to reverse letters and numbers. They may write letters and numbers backwards.
  2. The same word is misspelled over and over, despite the fact that the correct spelling has been taught over and over.
  3. Mispronunciation of words such as *hopsital for hospital, *pasgetti for spaghetti. These errors continue past the age when such mispronunciation could be expected.
  4. Left-Right confusion.
  5. Consistently spelling shorter words incorrectly, such as *wut for what.
  6. Use of a generalization like ‘things’ or ‘stuff’ because of word finding difficulties.
  7. Use of simpler, more basic vocabulary when writing to avoid having to spell a more challenging word.
  8. Quality of reading that is more choppy than fluent.
  9. Your child may be frustrated; self-esteem may suffer.

Dyslexia runs in the Family

Dyslexia tends to run in families. That said, there is no way of knowing if a child will have dyslexia. I have seen great success in children who are struggling to read and spell with my approach. Contact me for a consultation to discuss your concerns.