Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Research shows that increasing vocabulary has a significant impact on development of reading comprehension. How do we achieve this?

Reading Comprehension is the Goal of Reading

I weave reading comprehension into every lesson, as it is the goal of any reading experience. If we can’t make sense of what we are reading, our interest in reading will be minimal. Your child and I will investigate new vocabulary constantly while continuing to review previous vocabulary. This scaffolding of instruction builds the foundation for reading success. I teach comprehension strategies and skills to ensure students are engaged with what they are reading. The goal is to apply their reading comprehension skill set into all subject areas.

How to Build Vocabulary

Ways to build vocabulary at home with your child:
  • Investigate new words in depth. Pronunciation is a good start. Discuss the meaning, and make a list of other words that have a similar meaning. 
  • Notice the structure of words. Does the word have a prefix and/or a suffix? Can you change the word by adding a prefix or a suffix? Make a word wall of word families that share a base (e.g., heal, health, healthy, unhealthier).
  • Repeat and use new words frequently during conversations.
  • Play Scrabble, Hangman, Eye Spy. For example, “I spy something that begins with the letter < n > but can also be called a book.” (novel)
  • Keep a journal of new words. Ask your child to illustrate each new word in the journal.
  • Encourage your child to ask questions during and after reading time. Model ways to ask questions and vary the vocabulary used to respond to the question. 
  • Encourage daily reading, both oral and silent.
  • Record yourself reading a book. Ask your child read to read along to your recording. Pause or rewind when a new word is pronounced.
  • Ask your child to record the same book once they feel confident enough to do so.